Liza d’Hemecourt is a member of Falmouth UCC and  lives in Falmouth with her husband, Mike, and their four daughters, Elizabeth, Michaela, Winnie and Violet. She is a certified teacher, and studied at Boston College where she earned a Master’s in Elementary Education and a Bachelor’s degree in Theater Arts. For the last two years, Liza has been teaching second grade at Saint Brigid’s School in Portland, and prior to that, taught in Needham, Massachusetts. She is thrilled to take on this new opportunity with Falmouth UCC, merging her love of teaching with her faith in God, while involving her own children.

Liza brings over ten years of classroom experience to Kid’s Church, in addition to her perspective as a parent and her love of all children. She looks forward to helping foster a closer community among the young families at Falmouth UCC and is excited to help the children of the church in their faith journey, as they make new friends and deepen their relationship with God!