Accessing Sunday Worship on Your TV
You can easily watch all FCC LIVE Sunday services on nearly any television screen in your home!
If you own a SMART TV, then you can use the Youtube app already embedded into your television! You may already have a SMART TV, and you don’t even realize it!
If you don’t own a SMART TV, that’s fine! You can use a small ROKU device (pictured on the right) to access the Youtube app as well! If you don’t already own a ROKU device, they are extremely cheap, starting at $25 (Roku remote is included).
If You Own (or Purchase) a Roku:
The setup for a ROKU is also very simple. Two cords will be provided with the package. One of these cords is an AC Adapter cord (Power cord) which you plug directly into a wall outlet. The other of these two cords is an HDMI cord, which you plug directly in the back of your television screen.
Modern televisions all have HDMI ports, but if you have an older TV screen, make sure to check to make sure you have one!
After hooking up your Roku:
Make sure your TV input is set to whatever HDMI port you are plugged in to (your television should automatically open the Roku menu once your device is set up). The only step left in setting yourself up is connected to your WIFI using the included Roku remote. Once you are connected, Youtube is automatically installed on all Roku devices. Navigate towards Youtube in the Roku menu using the Roku remote, open Youtube, search, “Falmouth Congregational Church” and you will be able to watch and videos and broadcasts published by the church on the FCC Youtube channel!