Formed by worship, we are a vibrant, open-minded and welcoming Christian community.

We serve God through love & worship, Our church family through loving mutual support & opportunities for spiritual growth, and all of God’s creation through compassion, generosity, justice & stewardship

Building a Trellis for our Faith

Lent at Falmouth UCC

Just as we wouldn’t head to the gym once a week (or twice a month!) and complain that we weren’t getting stronger, the whole of Christian life cannot be hung on Sunday worship. Our faith should change us, and that means it should change what we do.

This Lent we will be focusing on Crafting a Rule of Life: a structure inspired by Christian monastics to add rhythms of rest, service, worship, and prayer into our daily lives.

Just as a plant needs a trellis, or a house needs a foundation, a rule of life can support our faith.

Sign up for our Lenten small group: March 16, 23, and 30.

A community of warmth & welcome that gathers to meet our neighbors & draw closer to God.

You are welcome here!


Join Us

267 Falmouth Rd
Falmouth, ME 04105

(207) 781-3413

Located right next to the Falmouth Town Hall, we are easy to find and always have parking!